Forwarding NetApp's Syslog to Logstash
Hopefully your setup of ES and LS (Part 2 of this series) was a success. If everything is up and listening then let's start sending some logs to your server.Configuring CDOT v. 8.2, 8.3
Pushing your NetApp logs to your ES/LS server is real easy. Lets start with CDOT 8.3 and 8.2 below.You first need to create a destination name for your logs and tell OnTap where to send your them:
event dest create -name netapplog -syslog yourLSservername
You then need to route which messages you want to send to your new destination. Be careful! Your first instinct will to send everything! event route add-destinations -destinations netapplog -message *
If your cluster(s) has a good number of nodes or the workload is pretty heavy then you will most likely drown in logs. Most of which you don't need. If you don't mind or you have a fairly small cluster that you are just testing on then you should be okay. This will, at the least, give you an idea of what to expect and you can tailor what you send based on what you see or prefer.Remember that CDOT has over 7000 different messages that can be triggered. Maybe you or your customer are only interested in specific events. I don't have a list of all of them but you could run this command to view them.
event route show -messagename *
Say you are only interested in vserver messages: event route add-destinations -dest netapplog -message vserver*